昨年、アベノミクス3本目の矢、成長戦略を発表した2013年6月時点のエコノミスト誌のタイトルは、”The Third Arrow of Abenomics Misfire”(アベノミクス3本目の矢は不発)、その後に実行計画を発表した2013年10月時点では、”The Third Arrow, Please”(3本目の矢を放ってよ、お願いだから)でした。しかし、今回は、違うのです。タイトルだけではありません。中身も、完全に期待が込められています。
“This week Mr Abe is back with a proper third arrow. There are two reasons for thinking that this time it will hit the target. First, the country has reached a point at which almost all Japanese realise that reform of some sort is needed. Second, Mr Abe is at last pursuing schemes of such breadth that they touch on nearly every area of the economy that demands change.”
“Mr Abe’s reform plan is far weightier than its predecessors. It seeks to free up an overly restrictive health-care sector, to ease the way for local and foreign entrepreneurs in Japan and to overhaul corporate governance. Some measures take on deep cultural taboos, such as allowing Japanese households in a series of special economic zones to sponsor foreign maids to help care for children and the old. And more is still to come. Together, all this represents a coherent vision of a more innovative and globally minded society. Part of its strength is its breadth: it is less a single arrow than a 1,000-strong bundle of acupuncture needles.”
“The scale of what he has put forward this week is breathtaking. It offers the best chance for many years of revitalising Japan. That is something everybody should welcome.”